The official weigh dock for all tournaments is the MBGFC dock. Weigh dock times vary with each tournament and are subject to change. Any changes will be discussed at the captain’s meeting. See separate schedules for specific times. All fish brought to the dock must be in edible and fresh condition. Any evidence of freezing will disqualify any fish. The weigh master has the right to refuse any mutilated fish or fish considered to be in poor condition. All fish must be brought to the weigh dock on the boat upon which they were caught unless granted permission by the tournament committee in the interest of the safety of the participants or spectators and or the MBGFC. Someone from each boat must at all times remain with the fish to be weighed. Catch card documentation will be provided at weigh dock. The angler must sign and verify the weight before it becomes official. No Billfish will be weighed without a verification number from an official tournament committee boat or tournament official. You are responsible for obtaining and recording this number. Any angler who wins may be subject to a lie detector test, and winning billfish anglers in the cash awards will be asked to furnish video verification (as described in the video verification section of the rules) that that fish was indeed caught by them during the tournament. Members of the NMFS may be on hand at the weigh dock to sample various contents of any and all large fish presented to them. Please cooperate in the interest of science, and help us obtain as much information as possible for the future of offshore fishing and this magnificent resource. The weigh board does not necessarily reflect the official standings of the tournament.
Memorial Day and Labor Day Tournaments only
- Boats must be inside Perdido Pass rocks tournaments designated times unless otherwise designated at the Captains Meeting. You must call the MBGFC Tournament committee on channel 72 once you pass inside the Perdido Pass rocks to confirm your time of arrival and be assigned a weigh-in number if needed. Your weigh-in number will determine the order in which you are called to the weigh dock.
- The MBGFC will begin monitoring VHF Channel 72 at 3:30 p.m. for assignment of weigh-in numbers to allow boats needing to weigh fish access to the weigh dock.
- The weigh dock opens at tournaments designate times as posted, and will close after all eligible boats have completed their weigh in and/or video verification.
- After you obtain your weigh-in number, position your boat in the channel outside the entrance to the Orange Beach Marina Canal and wait for your number/boat name to be called.
- All fish to be weighed must arrive by boat on the boat upon which the fish were caught unless granted permission by the tournament committee in the interest of the safety of the participants or spectators and or the MBGFC.
- All verification videos must be brought inside the Perdido Pass rocks on the boat upon which they were caught. Verification videos can subsequently be brought to the clubhouse by car or other means. A weigh in verification number must still be obtained and such videos must be presented for review before the close of the weigh dock. Please notify the Tournament Committee if you plan to hand deliver videos for verification and do not need to weigh any fish.
- Depending on conditions, MBGFC will have boats 36’ and under come to the side of the weigh dock. Boats over 36’ will be accommodated on the front of the weigh dock.
- The MBGFC may have boats waiting in the marina canal to fill empty places at the weigh dock, but please do not enter the marina canal until your boat number/ name is called.
- All boats in line for the weigh dock should leave enough room for boats entering Orange Beach Marina (and not going to the weigh dock) to be able to pass freely. (This means boats needing fuel and/or going to their assigned slip.)
- Please – NO WAKE – Idle speed only – to minimize damage to spectator boats due to surge. Experienced operators use one engine in gear.
- Please cut your engines once you are tied to weigh dock. Diesel fumes are hazardous to the health of the dock crew and spectators.
- All boats that require video verification (with or without fish to weigh) should drop off the angler/boat representative with the video equipment and all cables at the designated video verification dock in Terry Cove. A shuttle will take the angler or representative to the clubhouse for video verification.
- Boats that only require video verification have the option to come to the weigh dock to be acknowledged by tournament officials and spectators and are encouraged to do so.
- Keep Tournament Channel 72 clear during weigh dock operation hours, Boats waiting to be called to weigh dock should carefully monitor Channel 72 and when your boat/number is called, respond to dock master that you are proceeding as directed. If a boat does not respond when called, dock master will call next boat in line.
- Once your boat is at weigh dock, do not get off of your boat until instructions are given to determine when your fish will be weighed. If you are weighing tuna, have tuna permit ready before coming to weigh dock. Once all fish on your boat are weighed, the dock master will tell the captain/owner and you will be asked to depart and make room for the next boat.
- “Catch card” documentation for all eligible fish will be issued at the weigh dock.
- Please help us to minimize the time required to weigh fish by following directions. We will allow you time to have pictures made but please clear the dock immediately afterwards. This is a courtesy to your fellow fishermen who are waiting in the harbor.
- Tournament participants should not use channel 72 to inquire about the results of the tournament.
For the Ladies, Junior Angler, and Limited Tournaments, weigh-in and video verification will all occur at the MBGFC dock and there will be no video verification drop off in Terry Cove. Otherwise, the weigh-in procedure is identical for the Ladies and Limited Tournaments.
The Junior Angler Tournament has its own weigh in procedure and fishing times that will be discussed at the Captains Meeting.